Saturday, December 18, 2021

NGC 7789 Caroline's Rose Cluster December 14th, 2021


NGC 7789, Caroline’s Rose cluster in an open cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia. FOV is approximately 54' x 36'. This is twenty-four 300 second guided subs taken from my backyard on December 14th, 2021.  A Canon  EOS7D camera at ISO3200; iOptron CEM40G mount with a Celestron 127mm Mak-Cas f/12, FL 1500mm.

NGC 2099 (Messier 37) December 13th, 2021

NGC 2099 (Messier 37), An open cluster in constellation Auriga. FOV is approximately 54' x 36'. This is eleven 300 second guided subs taken from my backyard on December 13th, 2021. A Canon EOS7D at iso 3200; iOptron CEM40G mount with a Celestron 127mm Mak-Cas f/12, FL 1500mm.

M38 November 24th, 2021


NGC 1912 (Messier 38), The Starfish Cluster an open cluster in constellation Auriga. FOV is approximately 54' x 36'. This is three 300 second guided subs taken from my backyard on November 23rd, 2021. A Canon EOS7D at Iso 3200; iOptron CEM40G mount with a Celestron 127mm Mak-Cas f/12, FL 1500mm.

Jupiter 12-12-2021

The planet Jupiter taken from Selkirk Shores State Park on December 12th, 2021. This is 50% of 2374 frames taken with a ZWO ASI120MM mini monochrome camera on a Celestron 127SLT Mak-Cas f/12 FL 1500mm with it’s original mount.


Monday, December 6, 2021

The Crab Nebula Messier 1 December 4th, 2021


NGC 1952 (Messier 1), The Crab Nebula is a supernova remnant in the constellation Taurus. FOV is approximately 54' x 36'. This is twenty-six 300 second guided subs taken from Darling Hill Observatory on December 4th, 2021.  A Canon  EOS7D camera at ISO3200; iOptron CEM40G mount with a Celestron 127mm Mak-Cas f/12, FL 1500mm.